I put a lot of work into this lamp and personally I feel like it is my best one yet - technically speaking. I am going to show you a few more pictures than usual for this one so you can really see the transformation take place...
So a couple of things:
On the old shade (and yes, it was disgustingly old) there were some nasty stains on the inside of the shade. So the whole thing had to go.
Also, my oldest son was furious that I was going to re-do this base. He thought it was already super cool. So my apologies to Elijah for that. :)
So there is what I had to work with....
....and here is the finished piece!
I think this is my favorite before and after yet and I hope that you like it just as much as I do!
You can find all of the information on pricing and measurements over at Little Light Shine. And remember... If you like it - Pin it!!! :)
A very special thank you goes out to a very special family! The Bertsch family has a special place in our family's hearts and thanks to their beautiful peacocks this lamp exists!!